Certifications.Mass Transit Products, Corp. is currently certified as Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and minority owned firm through the state Uniform Certification Program (UCP) with the agencies listed below.
Florida Department of Transportation
New York Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey New York State Department (PANYNJ) Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) |
Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
Massachusetts Unified Certification Program Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (METRO) |
The DBE Program is a federal program operating under the guidance of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Authorization for the program comes from 49 Code of Federal Regulation Part 26 (49 CFR 26).
A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) is a for-profit, independent small business concern that is:
The UCP shall provide "one-stop shopping" to applicants for certification, such that an applicant is required to apply only once for a DBE certification and all recipients in the state will honor that certification.
All obligations of recipients with respect to certification and nondiscrimination must be carried out by UCPs, and recipients may use only UCPs that comply with the certification and nondiscrimination requirements of 49 CFR Part 26.
If you have any questions, please consult the applicable state DBE Directory or contact GWP President Roberto Ferrero directly at (305) 781-9285 or via email at r.ferrero@mass-products.com.
A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) is a for-profit, independent small business concern that is:
- At least 51% owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically disadvantaged; and
- Whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more of the socially and economically disadvantaged individuals who own it.
The UCP shall provide "one-stop shopping" to applicants for certification, such that an applicant is required to apply only once for a DBE certification and all recipients in the state will honor that certification.
All obligations of recipients with respect to certification and nondiscrimination must be carried out by UCPs, and recipients may use only UCPs that comply with the certification and nondiscrimination requirements of 49 CFR Part 26.
If you have any questions, please consult the applicable state DBE Directory or contact GWP President Roberto Ferrero directly at (305) 781-9285 or via email at r.ferrero@mass-products.com.